Wibaux County Montana Property Tax
$505.00 56th of 56Median Property Tax In Wibaux County, Montana
$60,000.00Median Home Value In
Wibaux County, Montana |
0.84% 30th of 56
Median Property Tax
As Percentage Of Home Value |
Median Income In
Wibaux County, Montana |
The median property tax (also known as real estate tax) in Wibaux County is $505.00 per year, based on a median home value of $60,000.00 and a median effective property tax rate of 0.84% of property value.
Wibaux County collects very high property taxes, and is among the top 25% of counties in the United States ranked by property tax collections. Of the fifty-six counties in Montana, Wibaux County is ranked 56th by median property taxes, and 30th by median tax as percentage of home value.
While Wibaux County collects a median of 0.84% of a property's each year as property tax, the actual amount of property tax collected is lower compared to the rest of Montana. This is partially because the median property value in Wibaux County is $116,300.00 lower than the Montana median property value of $176,300.00.

Wibaux County's Property Tax Is Higher Than Average
56th out of 56By median yearly property tax
30th out of 56
By percentage of median home value
54th out of 56
By percentage of median income
You can see how Wibaux County (highlighted in green) compares to the fifty-six other counties in Montana with the bar chart above, sorted by median property tax in dollars. For a visual map of county property tax rates in Montana, see our Montana county property tax map.

Wibaux County is located in Montana, which is ranked 29th highest of the 50 states by median property tax. Here's how Wibaux County's property tax compares to the 3,142 other counties nationwide:
N/A out of 3143By median yearly property tax
N/A out of 3143
By percentage of median home value
N/A out of 3143
By percentage of median income
To see how Montana as a whole compares to the rest of the states, check our our interactive state-by-state property tax map. You can find statewide statistics on the Montana property tax page.
We have real estate tax tax information for a total of fifty-six Montana counties in addition to Wibaux County. Choose any county from the list below, or see Montana property tax by county to see property tax information for all Montana counties on one page. To compare county tax rates with an interactive color-coded map, see our Montana property tax map.
Our property tax lookup tool can help you find public record details about your property, including your most recent property assessment.
Wibaux County Property Tax Assessor
Property tax assessments in Wibaux County are the responsibility of the Wibaux County Tax Assessor, whose office is located in Wibaux, Montana.
If you need to pay your property tax bill, ask about a property tax assessment, look up the Wibaux County property tax due date, or find property tax records, visit the Wibaux County Tax Assessor's page. Applications for the Wibaux County homestead exemption, any property tax appeals, and applications for a current use tax reduction must also be submitted to the Wibaux County Assessor's Office.
For some properties, you can easily find the most recent tax assessment by looking up the property address with our property records search. You can also use our Wibaux County Property Tax Calculator to estimate your property tax based on median tax values (results open in new page).
U.S. Census Bureau
American Community Survey, 2006-2010 |
The Tax Foundation
Property Tax Calculations, July 2012 |
Montana Department of Revenue
Tax Statistics & References |