New Jersey Property & Real Estate Taxes
$6,579.00Median Property Tax In New Jersey
Median Property Tax
As Percentage Of Home Value |
Median Property Tax
As Percentage Of Income |
Related Resources: |
$348,300.00Median Home Value In New Jersey
$88,343.00Median Income In New Jersey
The median property tax in New Jersey is $6,579.00 per year, based on a median home value of $348,300.00 and a median effective property tax rate of 1.89%. You can look up your recent appraisal by filling out the form below.
New Jersey's Median Property Tax Is Higher Than Average
1st out of 50By median yearly property tax
1st out of 50
By percentage of median home value
1st out of 50
By percentage of median income
New Jersey collects relatively high property taxes, and is among the ten highest states ranked by property tax collections. Remember that high real estate may be offset by lower state sales or income taxes. Higher property taxes in dollars may also be the result of higher property values than other states.
New Jersey Property Taxes By County
While this page shows statewide New Jersey property tax statistics, more precise property tax statistics can be found at county level. New Jersey has a total of twenty one counties, and each county has a unique process for assessing and calculating property tax.
If you would like to estimate the property tax on a home like yours in New Jersey, enter your most recent property valuation in the property tax estimator below. Results are based on median taxes in all counties, and will open in a new page.
All of the counties in New Jersey are listed in the table below, sorted by median property tax from highest to lowest, left to right. Choose your county from the list below for more information about your local property tax. To compare property taxes in different counties, try out our interactive property tax map of New Jersey.
U.S. Census Bureau
American Community Survey, 2006-2010 |
The Tax Foundation
Property Tax Calculations, July 2012 |
New Jersey Division of Revenue
Tax Statistics & References |